Visiting Faculty
Prof. Dr. (HSG) Frank Altemöller (Germany)
Frank Altemöller´s work is focussed on issues of trade and the future of the liberal order in interdisciplinary perspective. He is particularly interested in how the new geopolitical and geoeconomic challenges and conflicts effect the international relations, the economy and society. He is also in dialogue with public institutions and the private sector, discussing the need and opportunities for a re-positioning and transformation.
Currently, Frank Altemöller is doing research as adjunct professor at the Institute of Customs and International Trade Law at the University of Münster/Germany. He has previously been a full-time professor and the director of the “European Public Management” programme at the Harz University/Germany from 2010 to 2021.
Frank Altemöller studied law in Münster, Berlin and Geneva. At the University of St. Gallen – School of Management, Economics, Law, Social Sciences and International Affairs (HSG) in Switzerland, he completed a doctoral degree in law (Ph.D.HSG), taking an interdisciplinary approach to his studies, with a thesis on world trade and environmental protection. He has experience in public management through his work as a civil servant in the federal revenue service.
Frank Altemöller works with numerous organisations, such as the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe. He has developed different educational programmes for the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. Frank Altemöller has also taught at the Otto Suhr Institute for Political Science, at the Institute for East European Studies at the “Freie Universität Berlin” and at the “EBS Universität für Wirtschaft und Recht” in Wiesbaden/Germany.
He holds visiting professorships and gives guest lectures at home and abroad, for example at the University of Bologna, Shanghai Customs College, the University of Costa Rica and the University of Dar Es Salaam and different Universities in South-East-Asia. His academic works have been translated into several languages, including English, Mandarin, Russian and Polish.
Frank Altemöller is the author of the publications, e.g.:
2024 – International Trade Relations in the Shadow of Hegemony: Challenges and Prospects for the Liberal Order, Global Trade and Customs Journal (Wolters Kluwer), Vol. 19, Issue 9, pp. 582-590
2024 – Internationale Handelsbeziehungen im Schatten der Hegemonie: Herausforderungen und Perspektiven für die liberale Ordnung, Europäische Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht (European Journal of Business Law – Revue Éuropéenne de Droit Economique), Vol. 35, Issue 6/2024, pp. 245-252
2023 – 世贸组织上诉机构不具合法性?: 争端解决体系之危机及世贸组织成员国的对策, Shanghai Customs Law Review/Issue March/April
2022 – The China-US Trade Conflict and its impact on the World Trade System and the Future of Multilateralism, Global Trade and Customs Journal (Wolters Kluwer), Vol. 17, Issue 7/8, pp. 280-288
2022 – Eine Perspektive für die WTO-Streitschlichtung in der Krise des Multilateralismus? Europäische Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht (European Journal of Business Law – Revue Éuropéenne de Droit Economique), Vol. 33, Issue 5/2022, pp. 207-214
2021 – WTO Appellate Body without Legitimacy? The Criticism of the Dispute Settlement System and the Response of the WTO Member States, Global Trade and Customs Journal (Wolters Kluwer), Vol. 16, Issue 4, pp. 139-148
2021 – БЛОКИРОВАНИЕ ФУНКЦИОНИРОВАНИЯ АПЕЛЛЯЦИОННОГО ОРГАНА ВТО, АКТУАЛЬНЫЕ ВОПРОСЫ ПРИМЕНЕНИЯ МЕЖДУНАРОДНОГО ПРАВА, Материалы международного круглого стола (Воронеж, 1–2 июля 2021 г.), Воронеж Издательский дом ВГУ 2021
2020 – Das Welthandelssystem ohne Streitschlichtung? Argumente und Perspektiven in der Krise des Multilateralismus, Neue Zeitschrift für Verwaltungsrecht NVwZ, Vol. 39, 15th July 2020, pp. 988-994
2020 – Chiny i wschodzące potęgi w międzynarodowych stosunkach handlowych: przyszłość wielostronnego systemu handlu, rola umów o wolnym handlu i nowy unilateralizm, Monitor Prawa Celnego Podatkowego, Taxation and Customs Law Monitor, Issue 5, May 2020, pp. 163-170
Prof. Dr. Wieslaw Eugenuisz Czyzowicz (Poland)
Professor Wieslaw Eugenuisz Czyzowicz is Head of Customs Policy and Law Department at the University of Economics in Warsaw ; Head of Business Law Department at Warsaw School of Economics (SGH) and Member of the Customs and Exercise Council in the Polish Finance Ministry, where he is Chairman of its E-Customs Committee.
He holds a Ph.D. in International Economics, a Masters in International Relations and postgraduate studies in Customs Law and Procedures. His post-doctoral degree (Habilitation) was about the Theory of International Social-Economic Development.
Prof. Czyzowicz has over 35 years of professional experience and he has served in various positions including: Director of the Customs Policy and Foreign Trade Control Department at the Central Board of Customs (1989-1993); Head of the Commercial Division at the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Los Angeles (1995-1999); Chairman of the Customs Council in the Polish Ministry of Finance (2002-2004); expert for Parliament, for Minister of Finance and for Minister of Foreign Trade on Customs and E-Commerce Laws (1999-2004); Deputy Minister of Finance and Director General of the Polish Customs Service.
Prof. Czyzowicz is highly qualified as a strategic manager of the customs administration, as well as an organiser and supervisor of effective border and customs control. He has wide experience in combating customs fraud, trafficking, smuggling and organised crime. He has outstanding negotiation and diplomatic skills accumulated during his long career in international and multicultural relations. He has also published prolifically on customs and law, e-business law and on foreign trade control.
Lothar Ehring (Belgium)
Lothar Ehring is currently working in the Directorate-General for Trade, European Commission in Brussels, Belgium . Previously he worked he worked as Legal Affairs Officer in the Appellate Body Secretariat of the World Trade Organisation in Geneva, where his work mainly involved in providing legal advice to the Appellate Body in appeals against panel reports, and to Arbitrators acting under the WTO Dispute Settlement Understanding.
Lothar Ehring graduated in law from the University of Passau in Germany where he specialized in the law of the internal market of the European Communities. He also holds the German qualification for the judicial office and postgraduate degree from Harvard University.
Lothar Ehring lectures WTO law at the University of Muenster, Germany and published several papers on international economic law.
Dr. Andrew Grainger (United Kingdom)
Dr. Andrew Grainger is a recognised expert in the wider area of trade facilitation and trade logistics. In January 2009, he joined the University of Nottingham as Lecturer in Logistics and Supply Chain Management. His recent publications include work for the World Bank, the European Commission, and the European Parliament. Andrew is also the founding Director of Trade Facilitation Consulting Ltd with clients in the public and private sector.
Between 2002 and 2006 as Deputy Director at SITPRO, the UK trade facilitation agency, he held the post of Secretary at EUROPRO, the umbrella body for European trade facilitation committees. There he also participated as an expert within the European Commission’s (DG TAXUD) Trade Contact Group. Other experiences include worldtrade and customs consultancy with PricewaterhouseCoopers and freight forwarding in Germany and Southeast Asia.
Andrew holds a PhD in Management from Birkbeck College, University of London, an MA (Distinction) in International Political Economy from the University of Warwick, and a BSc (Honours) in International Transport from Cardiff University. Andrew is bilingual, fluently literate in both English and German. He is a Chartered Member of the Institute of Logistics and Transport.
Research Interests
Trade logistics and trade facilitation which includes cross-border and port operations; trade and customs procedures; supply chain security; electronic trade and customs systems; development and capacity building initatives; aid-for-trade; non-tariff barriers; regulatory and institutional reform; interface between business and government
Administrative Roles
Director of MSc in Operations Management Programmes
Dr. Edward Kafeero (UAE)
Dr. Edward Kafeero is Associate Professor for International Trade Law & Customs at the University of Dubai and former researcher at the Department of Customs and Excise, Law Faculty, at the University of Muenster in Germany. He is a lecturer of international trade law, Trade and Development in East Africa, Legal Issues of Economic Integration, and Public International Law; working closely with the University of Muenster, Uganda Martyrs University, Kigali Independent University and the Ugandan Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives.
Edward is the Director of “KED Consult Ltd” which is one of the leading customs and international trade consulting company in Africa. For over ten years Edward has taught and facilitated a number of capacity-building seminars and workshops on international trade and customs in many African countries. His most recent publication (co-authored with Prof. H.-M. Wolffgang) is titled: “Legal thoughts on merging trade facilitation, safety & security”.
Edward completed his master’s degree and doctorate in law from the University of Muenster where he previously worked as assistant to course coordinator of the Master of Customs Administration, Law and Policy degree course. He also worked (as an intern) at the headquarters of the World Customs Organization in Brussels under the Tariff and Trade Directorate.
Prof. Dr. Bartosz Makowicz (Germany)
Prof. Dr. Bartosz Makowicz is the Head and Chair Owner of the Chair of Polish Public Law at Europa-University Viadrina in Frankfurt/Oder, Germany and former Academic Counsel at the Department of Customs and Excise at the University of Muenster. He is an expert in European and Public International Law, Business Law, Tariff and Tax Law, Business Criminal Law and Middle- and Easteuropean Law.
Prof. Dr. Santiago Ibáñez Marsilla (Spain)
Prof. Dr. Santiago Ibáñez Marsilla is a full time professor of tax law at the University of Valencia (Spain). He lectures on the topic “Customs debt” at the MCA.
Prof. Ibáñez has been Visiting Professor at Harvard University, Catholieke Universiteit Leuven, Università degli Studi di Siena, International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation and the University of Florida. He has taught in several European and American countries and has been the leader in two R+D projects on the tax implications of the internationalization of companies. In 2008 he was awarded the IDEA Prize by the Fundación Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias (a foundation of the Regional Government of Valencia) in recognition for his outstanding research in customs law.
He is founding member of the Academia Internacional de Derecho Aduanero (International Academy of Customs Law), contact person at the University of Valencia of the International Network of Customs Universities (INCU), and member of the European Association of Tax Law Professors (EATLP).
He is an expert on customs valuation and, more broadly, in customs duties. He has published a number of books and articles on this topic, both in Spanish and international journals. An interesting feature in his research work has been to establish a clear connection between the law that governs customs duties and the rest of the tax system.
Prof. Dr. Zhu Qiuyuan (China)
Dr. Zhu Qiuyuan holds a Phd in law, and has more than 20 years experience in the field of the Customs Law and the related affairs. Zhu Qiuyuan is an associate professor of Shanghai Customs College, specialized in IPR law, Customs Law and International Economic Law. She is a senior consultant (a lawyer) of HaoLiWen Partners specialized in the IPR law and the Customs Law and a post doctoral researcher in the School of Law of Fudan University. Meanwhile, she is the Executive Chief Editor of the Customs Law Review (Vol.1-5) which were published by Law Press and the Deputy Director of the Customs Law Research Center of Shanghai Customs College. Furthurmore, she was the Vice General Manager of Xinhai Customs Broker Corp.(the biggest customs broker company in China) in 2015.
Prof. Dr. Sandra Rinnert, LL.M. [Georgetown] (Germany)
Prof. Dr. Sandra Rinnert is a full time professor at the Federal University of Science in Münster, Germany. She is head of the Customs department. In addition, she is also a lecturer at the ICTL and an adjunct professor at the University of Münster for Customs Law and at the Centre for Intellectual Property at the University of Düsseldorf for International Trademark Law. Also, she is editor for Customs matters with AW-Prax, one of the leading German-speaking Trade Law Journals. Between 2015 and 2018 she served as a legal clerk with the Bundesfinanzhof, the German Federal Fiscal Court.
Since 2012, Prof. Dr. Rinnert has been a board member of the European Forum for International Trade (EFA). Since 2007 she has also been a board member of the Georgetown University European Law Alumni Advisory Board (ELAAB).
Prof. Dr. Rinnert studied law at Heidelberg University in Germany, at National University of Singapore and Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. In addition to her experience as a lecturer, she has also gained experience as an attorney for the international law firm of Hogan Lovells LLP in Düsseldorf.
Prof. Dr. Rinnert is co-author of several standard works of customs law such as „Wolffgang/Jatzke – Kommentar zum Zollkodex der Union“. She has published – also internationally – in several high-regarded academic legal journals in Intellectual Property Law, International Trade and Customs Law, Civil Law and Law of Corporations.
Prof. Dr. Achim Rogmann (Germany)
Achim Rogmann is Professor of Commercial Administrative Law and European Law at Brunswick European Law School. His research focuses on customs law and foreign trade law as well as WTO law. He is a member of the editorial board of the journal “Außenwirtschaftliche Praxis” and of the scientific advisory board of the EFA. Since 2013 he has been Adjunct Professor at the Murdoch School of Law, Australia. For further information please visit Professor Rogmann’s website.
Professor Dr. David Widdowson (Australia)
Professor David Widdowson is the Chief Executive Officer of the Centre for Customs and Excise Studies at the University of Canberra. He is the founder and co-director of the International Network of Customs Universities and Editor-in-Chief of the World Customs Journal.
David holds a PhD in Customs Management, and has 30 years experience in his field of expertise. He served with the Australian Customs Service for 21 years, including seven years in the Senior Executive Service. His research areas include Trade Facilitation, Regulatory Compliance Management, Risk Management and Supply Chain Security.