Benedikt Wemmer

Benedikt Wemmer is a Senior Researcher in the field of EU Customs law at the Institute of Customs and International Trade Law.
He has a German law degree from the University of Muenster (Diplom-Jurist). He also successfully completed a dual course of study in the German federal finance administration (Diplom-Finanzwirt).
Mr. Wemmer worked for 7 years as a customs officer in the German customs administration (most recently at the Central Customs Authority in the risk management department). Since 2016 he has been working as consultant (customs and foreign trade law) at AWB Tax Consultancy Ltd, Muenster.
He teaches customs law and constitutional law as a visiting lecturer at the Federal University of Applied Administrative Sciences. Furthermore, Mr. Wemmer trains customs departments of companies for the AWA Foreign Trade Academy in Germany.
He regularly publishes articles on customs and tax law.