Prof. Wolffgang takes part in the Export Control Day 2024 in Berlin
June 1, 2024
On the 28th of May the 18th Export Control Day in Berlin was opened by Prof. Dr. Wolffgang with an welcome address. The motto of this year’s Export Control Day was “Trust and Responsibility”. In his speech, Prof. Wolffgang referred to the awarding of the Peace of Westphalia Prize to Emmanuel Macron, which was taking place at the same time and recalled the importance of international treaties to avoid violent conflicts. In addition, he outlined the new European Defence Industrial Strategy (EDIS) and the Commissions Proposal of a European Defence Insdustrial Programme (EDIP).
The president of the BAFA Thorsten Safarik also held an address, in which he highlighted the close dialogue between the export control authorities and business. The speech was followed by an keynote adress from the state secretary Sven Giegold of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK).
As in previous years, experts in the field of foreign trade law discussed current challenges in export control law. In various forums, high-ranking representatives from business, politics, administration and science exchanged views on the latest developments in foreign trade and offered participants the opportunity to find out about the latest developments in export control law. This year’s focus includeded arms export controls and Russian-Chinese economic relations. Further, attendees gained insights on the development of the EU-Dual-Use-Regulation and had the chance to participate on a forum that dealt with the conflict of scientific freedom and export controls. Finally the Export Control Day hosted a panel regarding the evasion of sanctions against Russia.
The Export Control Day 2024 was jointly organised by the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA) and the Centre for Foreign Trade Law (ZAR) e. V. of the University of Münster.
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