Watch out! Third seminar of ECCE
October 7, 2024
Watch out! On Friday, 18th October 2024, the third seminar of the ECCE (European Common Customs Evaluation) programme will take place in Münster.
The seminar will deal with the Customs Sanctions System of EU Member States. Santiago Ibáñez Marsilla and Jorge J. Milla-Ibáñez will reflect on recent developments and challenges in Spain Customs Penalties, while Giangiacomo D Angelo, Vincenzo Carbone, Federico Tarini, Lothar Prof Dr. Dr. hc (UA) Gellert and Martijn Schippers will shed light on the Italian, German and Dutch perspectives of Customs Sanctions. Hans Michael Wolffgang, Benedikt Wemmer and Sophie Fanenstich will then present and discuss the administrative sanctions of the UCC-reform proposal. Finally Diego Modonesi of the European Commission will inform participants on new developments in OLAF`s policy against customs frauds.
Those who are interested can register for participation at When registering, please provide your contact details, your profession or the name of your organisation and let us know whether you will be attending in person or virtually.
The event is being organised by the Institute of Customs and International Trade Law in collaboration with the Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna, Universitat de València and the Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.
ECCE is an independent legal research project financed by the European Commission (Hercule III program – GA 101014828) and the Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna, Department of Legal Studies.
The project is conducted in partnership with Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, Universität Münster and Universitat de València. If you want to know more about the ECCE-project please visit: